Bronze Age Neolithic

Decorated rock discovered at Orkney’s Bay of Skaill

The Bay of Skaill is renowned for the coastal erosion that plagues it and which, in early January, led to the discovery of a large incised rock on the shoreline.
Incised rock surface at the Bay of Skaill, Orkney. (Sigurd Towrie)

The Bay of Skaill in Orkneyā€™s West Mainland is well-known as the location of Skara Brae, a 5,000-year-old Neolithic settlement that sits at its southern end.

But the bay is equally renowned for the coastal erosion that plagues it and which, in early January, led to the discovery of a large decorated rock on the shoreline.

Sigurd Towrie, from the University of the Highlands and Islands Archaeology Institute, takes up the story.

Living a few miles away, the Bay of Skaill has been a regular haunt of mine for decades. But a massive, incised rock ā€“ its upper surface featuring geometric designs ā€“ was the last thing I expected to find on an excursion last month.

One of the reasons for my frequent Skaill visits is to keep an eye on the impact of erosion. Talk of coastal erosion and people often think in timescales of centuries.

At Skaill, however, it can often be measured in days, weeks and months. Perhaps the starkest, most visual example of this is the complete destruction ā€” over 20 or so years ā€” of a modern, stone-built and enclosed, picnic area above the beach. The effect on archaeology is even more severe with fragile remains exposed and damaged daily.

Take a walk along the length of the shore and you will see archaeology dropping onto the beach.

The cow mandible recovered from the eroding shoreline section. (Sigurd Towrie)

In early January 2021 ā€“ three days before the decorated stone came to light ā€“ I spotted cattle teeth lying at the bottom of an eroding stretch of shoreline at the north end of the bay. Closer examination revealed the partly exposed jaw of a cow beside a huge waterworn stone (c0.86m long, 0.54m wide and 0.22m thick) jutting from the eroded section.

In the dwindling, grey light, there was nothing to be seen. Or so I thought.

Returning home, I passed details of the remains to Orkneyā€™s county archaeologist, Julie Gibson. With more bad weather imminent, she suggested I return, record and retrieve them.

The faint incisions on the rock face became clearer as the sun broke through the cloud cover. (Sigurd Towrie)

Back at Skaill, kneeling in front of the eroding face, with the large stone at my right-hand side, I carefully recovered the mandible. While transferring it into a finds bag, a break in the cloud cover saw the beach gloriously lit up by the now-setting sun. I turned to lay my sodden gloves on the stone. And there, incised into its surface and bathed in golden sunlight, was a pair of incised triangles and two rectangular bands running back into the section.

Incised slab from Structure Eight at the Ness of Brodgar. (Ole Thoenies)
Closer view of the finely incised markings on the Structure Eight slab. (Ole Thoenies)
Incised slab from the entrance to Structure Twelve at the Ness of Brodgar. (Ole Thoenies)
One of the decorated faces of a large stone found in Structure Ten, Ness of Brodgar, in 2013. (Hugo Anderson-Whymark)
A section of a larger slab featuring the so-called ‘Brodgar Butterfly’ motif.

Having been involved with the Ness of Brodgar excavations since the complexā€™s discovery in 2003, Iā€™ve seen a fair bit of Neolithic “art” over the past 18 years. The Skaill marks, however, were very ephemeral and quite rough ā€“ nothing like some of the beautiful, deeply incised decorations recorded in the Ness structures. Despite the apparent geometric patterns, the coarseness of their execution had me pondering whether the visible incisions were anything other than scratchmarks ā€“ perhaps butchery or cut marks.

A closer view – showing what appeared to be a pair of incised triangles and, in the shadow, rectangular bands running back into the section face.
(Sigurd Towrie)
Criss-crossed lozenge pattern. (Sigurd Towrie)

Poor weather meant it was over a week before I returned to Skaill ā€“ this time earlier in the day. Once again it was the position of the sun that was key. The elements had dislodged another stone lying on the surface and, in the early morning light, it was clear that the incisions were more extensive than they had first appeared.

The triangles were part of a larger, criss-crossed lozenge pattern and there were more, very faint, rectangular bands and lines running across the surface.

Dr Antonia Thomas, the Archaeology Instituteā€™s rock art specialist, visited the site and confirmed we had a good candidate for a carved stone ā€“ one with designs very reminiscent of some recorded at Skara Brae, just over half a mile away. To view the Skara Brae examples, see Dr Thomas’ book Art and Architecture is Neolithic Orkney: Process, Temporality and Context, which is available to download here.

Examples of incised stone from Skara Brae. Top – stone from wall of passage C. Bottom – Markings on the edge of a ‘bed’ in House Seven. (Childe, V., Watson, D.M.S. and Robinson, A. (1931). Final Report on the Operations at Skara Brae. In Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland.Vol. 65, pp. 27-77)
Pot sherd from Skara Brae. (Childe, V., Watson, D.M.S. and Robinson, A. (1931). Final Report on the Operations at Skara Brae. In Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland.Vol. 65, pp. 27-77)
Decorated ground-edge stone knife from Skara Brae. Drawn by Marion O’Neil. (Saville, A., [1994] A decorated skaill knife from Skara Brae, Orkney. In Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Vol. 124, pp. 103-111)
Decorated Skaill knife from Skara Brae. Drawn by Marion O’Neil. (Saville, A., [1994] A decorated skaill knife from Skara Brae, Orkney. In Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Vol. 124, pp. 103-111)

The immediate area is too disturbed to suggest what the stone represented or even whether it is in its original location. Construction work in 1934/35, however, revealed walling nearby, along with midden material indicative of occupation. Among the ā€œold bonesā€ dug up was a bone pin, ā€œsimilar to one found at Skara Braeā€ and an unknown quantity of boar tusks. Incidentally, in March 2020, beachcomber Martin Gray found another boar tusk a few feet from the incised stone.

The boar tusk found in the area by Martin Gray in March 2020. (Martin Gray)

Today, in among the possible structural remains visible in the huge swathe of eroding shoreline is a substantial, but badly damaged, wall. This, together with a deposit of deer remains recovered by Archaeology Institute specialist Dr Ingrid Mainland at the end of 2020, suggests we have another settlement site at the Bay of Skaill ā€“ one that, from previous environmental sampling, is likely to be four or five thousand years old.

Eroding wall running out from an eroding section on to the beach. The dark material in the foreground is a layer of peat. (Sigurd Towrie)

The 1934/35 work also revealed the skeletons of four individuals in vicinity of the incised stone. Details are sketchy so all we really know is that the ā€œunenclosedā€ remains were under ten feet of sand and a double layer of ā€œmidden depositā€. The fact one had been laid in a crouched position suggests a Bronze Age date, but, unfortunately, there were no artefacts that could help date the burials.

Were these inhumations inserted into the sand-covered remains of an earlier, abandoned settlement? Or, as at Toftsness, in Sanday, and the Links of Noltland in Westray, did occupation on the site of a Neolithic settlement continue into the Bronze Age? The answer to that question cannot be answered without excavation.

Based on the scale of the eroded section, however, we may well be looking at a Neolithic/Bronze Age site on a par with Skara Brae. Albeit one that is now disappearing at an alarming rate.


  1. Holy Moly Sigurd!!!!! Holy Moly.
    Whenever we walk at or near the ancient sites, we hope to find something marvelous – especially at Skaill Bay, because of what happened, and what is still happening there.

    A ‘new’ find like that …….there……….I am speechless.

  2. Reading this from New Zealand but I have been to the Bay a few times during my visits to Orkney so thank you for painting a very vivid light on this amazing discovery! Coastal erosion is real and I can see it every day from my lounge window overlooking a cliff face not 10 m away… incidentally our house sits on top of a pre-European village site as well…

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