Iron Age The Cairns

Orkney’s oldest wooden bowl unveiled

A remarkable, perfectly preserved, wooden bowl unearthed from a two-thousand-year-old well has been revealed during conservation work being undertaken on the artefact this week, and an extraordinary story of ancient repair of the bowl suggests it was a valued object during the Iron Age.

Postgraduate Student Stories

A New Mexican in Orkney – MLitt student Don Helfrich

For the next few weeks we have the pleasure of working with Don Helfrich – one of our MLitt Archaeological Studies students, from New Mexico in the USA.

Don usually completes the course remotely from his home, but for the next few weeks, he is experiencing the slightly different climate of Orkney to continue his research at The Cairns excavation.

Student Stories YOYP

Celebrating young people in archaeology – work placement at UHI Archaeology Institute

At the University of the Highlands and Islands Archaeology Institute we are developing ways to provide young people with an opportunity to experience archaeology in a workplace environment.
Travis, a 16 year old S5 pupil at Kirkwall Grammar Schoo in Orkney, is currently undertaking a work placement with us.