Faraclett Head West, Rousay

Faraclett Head West, Rousay
Faraclett Head West, Rousay
(Davidson & Henshall. 1989. The Chambered Cairns of Orkney)
Round cairn.
Stalled chamber.
Notes:One of two Neolithic cairns on the the natural terraces on the south-western side of Faraclett Head. The second, Faraclett Head East lies 16m to the east.
It has a diameter of c12.5m and survived to 1.2m high in 1982, at which time a short length of wall-face was visible on its eastern side.
A second wall-face was visible around the interior of the cairn but the central area had been badly disturbed, with traces of a secondary, rectangular visible.
There remains of four orthostats, arranged transversely in relation to the SE to NW axis, were recorded along with an orthostat on the projected eastern arc of the inner wall-face. A second slab was visible 3m to the north-west.
A third site in the vicinity has been interpreted as a denuded chamber but, according to Davidson and Henshall, “the setting of upright slabs is enigmatic and unclassifiable.”
References:Davidson, J. L. & Henshall, A. S. (1989). The Chambered Cairns of Orkney. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.