Whale Point, Sanday

Tombs of the Isles - Whale Point, Sanday

(Whal Point)

Whale Point. August 2022. (Dan Lee)
Whale Point. August 2022. (Dan Lee)
Type:Not known.
Notes:Known locally as “Whal Point”, this feature is close to the track leading to the Holms of Ire.

Made up of a ring of earthfast boulders 2m in diameter and 0.8m high, Davidson and Henshall did not include the site in their 1989 inventory of chambered cairns. [1]

A lack of mound-related placenames in the vicinity supports Moore and Wilson’s 1999 suggestion that the site may be more recent. If so, the presence of a large stone navigation/marker cairn nearby might explain this feature’s origin.

Update: November 2022
Geophysical survey revealed no coherent magnetic signature from the mound, but this absence is only indicative of a lack of enhanced deposits and not a lack of archaeological remains.

Geophysical survey of other tomb sites in Orkney, for example, Roeberry, Hoy, produced similarly “quiet” results. In fact, the physical appearance of the mound with a possible stone kerb, may suggest that it represents the remains of a Bronze Age burial mound or barrow.
Links:Geophysical survey. November 2022
References:[1] Davidson, J. L. & Henshall, A. S. (1989). The Chambered Cairns of Orkney. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Whale Point. August 2022. (Dan Lee)
Whale Point. August 2022. (Dan Lee)