Mount Maesry, Sanday

Tombs of the Isles - Mount Maesry, Sanday
Mount Maesry. August 2023. (📷 Sigurd Towrie)
Mount Maesry. August 2023. (📷 Sigurd Towrie)
Notes:Also known as “Mount Misery” this cairn can be found on the small tidal island at Start Point.

Standing on, and surrounded by, a platform, the cairn remains a prominent feature on the flat islet, recorded as being 3.6m high in 1983 and with a diameter of 22 to 23 metres.

The chamber is not accessible because the entrance passage, on the south-western side, is no longer visible. That was not always the case and we know the structure was used as a potato store in more recent times.

The last recorded entry was in the 1960s, the Sanday resident later describing the chamber as rectangular with the corbelled roof still intact. The structure, he said, was similar to Quoyness, but smaller, and he did not recall seeing entrances to any side cells.
References:Davidson, J. L. & Henshall, A. S. (1989). The Chambered Cairns of Orkney. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Mount Maesry, Sanday. (Dan Lee)
Mount Maesry, Sanday in August 2022. (Dan Lee)
Mount Maesry. August 2022. (Dan Lee)
Mount Maesry. August 2022. (Dan Lee)
Mount Maesry. August 2022. (Dan Lee)
Mount Maesry. August 2022. (Dan Lee)